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Monday, September 12, 2011

how long should jeans::Should they come to the bottoms of your shoes and no more how long should jeans

how long should jeans how long should jeans::Should they come to the bottoms of your shoes and no more?
Should they be a little crumpled up at the bottom?
Help me out here guys.
In answer to your question, though, i think it depends on the size of the opening.
It should be as long as it is right now.
I mean if it is a bit long it wont matter much.
That depends on how you like to wear your jeans.
I wear them oposite to any other trousers.
Taperered narrow jeans i wear as long as possible and let them stack on the shoes.
Wider straight legs i have shortened to a full break or a touch longer but not long enough to drag along the ground with shoes on.
Some people like to roll up their jeans to be shorter than nobreak, not sure what the actual lengh is unrolled.


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